Class to handle errors throughout the site
- Author: Cory Collier <>
- // Inherited constants from ObjectAbstract
- const MSG_ERR_IDENTIFY = 'Descendents must implement the identify method';
- // members
- protected array $errors = ;
- // Inherited methods from ObjectAbstract
- public final void __get()
- public final void __set()
- public final void __call()
- public void __toString()
- public string identify()
- // Inherited methods from Singleton
- public static Singleton getInstance()
Methods | 100% | 3 / 3 |
Lines | 100% | 20 / 20 |
Name | Value |
MSG_ERR_IDENTIFY | 'Descendents must implement the identify method' |
- $errors
Holder for all the errors that have occured for the request. - $instance
Static instance variable
- addError() — Adds errors to the instance's error property.
- getErrors() — Getter for the errors property.
- handle() — handler for errors
Inherited from MvcLite\ObjectAbstract
- __call() — Overriding the __call magic method
- __get() — Overriding the __get magic method
- __set() — Overriding the __set magic method
- __toString() — returns a string representation of the object
- identify() — method used to identify the object instance
Inherited from MvcLite\Traits\Singleton
- getInstance() — Getter for the instance variable.
2015-12-15T09:42:10-05:00 (commit #0bcf089)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
A lot of code minor code cleanup. Updating some methods to split up code a bit
2015-12-02T16:43:15-05:00 (commit #55a67b0)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
BIG commit. Leveraging php5.4 shorthand for arrays, updating the skeleton app, Adding the Filepath trait, implementing the filepath trait, new Filters, Moved the registry to a new config class, created a new config trait, implemented new config trait, updated a TON of unit tests
2015-11-30T18:03:08-05:00 (commit #edb2b58)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
LOTS of code cleanup here. Fixing unit tests for those cleanups as well
2015-11-29T16:46:01-05:00 (commit #846ee53)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
Adding traits, implementing them on Cache, Database, Dispatcher, Error, and Request classes. Adding a TestCase class, to simplify unit test writing. Updating unit tests
2015-11-29T13:59:13-05:00 (commit #5ca1372)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
2015-11-27T22:46:57-05:00 (commit #3067c88)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
Provisional commit - Not done moving things around to be namespace compliant. This commit is completely not functional
2015-11-11T08:14:50-05:00 (commit #ad28461)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
More moving things around
2015-11-11T08:07:21-05:00 (commit #3838504)
Author: Cory Collier ( / Commiter: Cory Collier (
Re-introducing the library components as first class items